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EHX Stairway to Electro Harmonix Heaven





















Electro-Harmonix (EHX) Pedals were establised over 50 years ago in 1968, New York, USA by Mike Matthews.

Mike has had a very colourful life, and his first foray into pedal-making was making fuzz pedals, some which were branded as being made by Guild.

Mike made his own and this eventually lead to the formation of EHX.

There have been various ups and downs over the years – including run-ins with unions and even a period of living in Russia!

But one thing has been constant – a continual search to develop amazing pedals that are actually useful to the adventurous guitar (and bass) player.

EHX have made some absolute stone-cold classics of the effects pedal world – perhaps the Big Muff Pi and all it's incarnations being the most famous.

But Electro Harmonix have never stopped innovating – they don't just keep reissuing the same thing, but build new things and improve existing circuits.

Name a famous guitarist that HASN'T used one of their pedals at some point?

EHX pedals are great value for money, designed and assembled in New York, USA.

So whether it's fuzz, overdrive, reverb, phaser, chorus, flange, wah, modulation of all kinds, loopers, even synth drums and beyond, you can bet there's and EHX pedal for you!

So, scour our effects-pedal stairway to heaven and get your EHX collection growing today!

See our full range of EHX Electro-Harmonix Guitar and Bass Effects Pedals HERE.