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Got a whole lot of Muff! Electro-Harmonix Re-Stocked






















Got a whole lot of Muff!

Electro-Harmonix (EHX) established themselves way back in 1968 in New York and are still going from strength to strength.

Their first pedals were fuzz and distortions – and they were really on to something, because people are STILL buying those pedals today.























However, they've never been a company to sit back and sell one thing without moving forward. For over 50 years now (!!!) they've been pushing the envelope and coming up with every conceivable contraption that you can stick a guitar lead in! From drum modules, loopers, all manner of filters…you name it, they'll have made it.



























But if you had to choose just one pedal that may be the most famous/infamous of all, it's the Electro-Harmonix Big Muff. It's been used by so many people in all kinds of different rock bands. Mudhoney even called their most popular release "Superfuzz Big Muff" based one their 2 most used pedals.


























Since the original, there have been various variations on it's theme, from Nano (smaller) versions, to new casing, the current Big Muff Pi and then new/old versions such as the Ram's Head, Green Russian, Triangle Big Muff and Little Big Muff. At time of writing, these are all in stock – we've got a whole lot of Muff!





























But if fuzz/distortion isn't your thing, there's plenty of other EHX pedals to view. See our range HERE.